Friday, April 4, 2014

Nautilus Terminal, File Manager and Terminal combined

Nautilius is the file manager of choice of Ubuntu. It is one of the best file managers out there, and since Ubuntu is the number 1 Linux distribution out there, is used by the majority of Linux users.
Terminal on the other hand, is one of the most important apps in Linux. It allows the user to communicate to the shell and pass instructions. Most of the people who don't know Linux think that everything is still done in the terminal.
Even though that is not completely true, the Terminal is a vital part of the Linux experience. You just can't completely ignore it. Of course new user-friendly distributions are trying to change this. To this day, none has been completely successful. It is not the distros' fault. There are simply a lot of apps out there who aren't represented in the different software centers, or just don't put Linux in their top priorities.
So at some point you'll have to use the Terminal.

Nautilius Terminal combines these two essential apps together. It follows your movements in the GUI and shows them in the terminal(cd ./example). Some of its features are:
  1. Completely compatible with Nautilus File Browser.
  2. Designed to follow your movement and Instructions within directories.
  3. Feature of Hide/Show Terminal in file browser, as required makes it very much useful.
  4. Supports Copy and Paste in Terminal.
  5. Supports Drag and Drop of files/folders in Terminal.
  6. The Embedded Terminal is re-sizeable, as per need.
 Following are the instructions on how to install it:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:flozz/flozz
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nautilus-terminal

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